Brewing With Well Water (Everything You Need To Know!)

Thick Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke
Thick Brush Stroke

Brewing beer with well water is possible but requires more work than using municipal or distilled water. 

Homebrewers must test their well at least yearly, determine their water profile, and take the necessary next steps to ensure safe and tasty beer.  

Is well water good for brewing beer?

Public water is supplied and treated by the city or municipality. Well water, however, is private to the property it’s on; therefore its safety and treatment is the responsibility of the property owner.  

How to use well water for homebrewing beer

First, you need to ensure the safety of your water through testing before even deciding if you like the taste of the water. 

Get your well water tested 

Test your well water yearly as well as after disruptions or accidents that could contaminate the water, regardless of whether you’re brewing beer with that water

Determine the water profile of your well water

By knowing these existing levels, you can both determine the safety of the water as well as adjust levels of various minerals accordingly. 

Decide whether or not your water is usable

Testing well water informs you of any harmful or dangerous elements in the water

Purchase any necessary minerals or additives needed

Homeowners who have installed a water softener in order to adjust their well water to their liking may need to add back certain minerals the softener removes, such as:  – Calcium sulfate (gypsum) – Calcium chloride – Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts)

Pre-boil any well water that you will add to cooled wort

Pre-boiling any well water that you add to cooled wort will kill off all bacteria and parasites that could contaminate your wort.  

Thick Brush Stroke

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