How To Make a Yeast Starter Without a Stir Plate (Proper Technique)

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

The process for making a yeast starter without a stir plate is the same as making one with a stir plate except that you will need to manually stir the starter during fermentation.  

Why do you need a stir plate for a yeast starter?

If looking for a healthy yeast starter, a stir plate may be used. A stir plate is a piece of equipment used to keep the yeast starter stirred. It is a device that uses a rotating magnetic field to move a stir bar. It is relatively easy to use. The brewer simply places a container of liquid on top of a plate. A stir bar, controlled by the magnet, stirs the liquid. 

The constant stirring and motion provided by a stir plate allow for the introduction of oxygen, which helps with cell growth and eliminates any hindering CO2. 

The best way to make a yeast starter without using a stir plate

1. Using a yeast calculator (available online,). 2. Sanitize all equipment before using. 3. Measure out 1 gram of DME for every 10 milliliters of target starter wort.  4. 1. Add the DME to the container used for boiling. 5. Add water to the same container the DME is in. 6. Pour the mixture into a saucepan.  7. 1. Gently boil for 15 minutes.  8. After boiling, remove from heat and cover.  

9. Allow wort to cool to the touch.  10. Once cooled, pour wort into a clean and sanitized container selected for fermenting the starter.   11. Add liquid yeast into the container. 12. Cover the top with (sanitized) aluminum foil and place in a location with temperatures between 65°-70° F (18°-21°). 13.Pitch starter  

It should take between 18-36 hours for the yeast to settle in a starter and be ready to pitch. 

How long does it take before a yeast starter is ready to pitch

Keep reading to learn more about How To Make a Yeast Starter  and more!