The most important ingredient in PBW is sodium percarbonate which is in alternatives such as One Step No-Rinse Cleaner and Craft Meister Alkaline Brewery wash which are specifically designed for cleaning beer equipment.
Other options include many household cleaners such as OxiClean, Borax, Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, and liquid bleach.
These cleaners are all good options to use instead of PBW, and many are available at your local grocery or big box store: – One Step No Rinse Cleanser – Craft Meister Alkaline Brewery Wash (ABW) – Oxiclean – Borax – Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
Initially formulated as a cleaner, brewers are finding One Step be just as efficient as a cleaner as it is a sanitizer, making it an effective one-two punch.
ABW is not a typical oxygen-based cleaner like the others found on this list, which is not necessarily bad. Not being oxygen-based gives it a more caustic cleaning ability .
Oxiclean, like PBW, is a percarbonate and has similar ingredients to PBW. That, along with cost and its availability, makes it a great alternative.
Although it has a much lower pH level than a washing soda, Borax can be helpful as a day-to-day cleaner. It can be used for soaking or as a quick cleaning method.
A washing soda like Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda is a sodium carbonate with a high enough pH to make it an effective cleaner.
When mixed with cold water, bleach forms a very caustic solution that breaks down stains and other organic material that may be left behind. Be sure to use unscented bleach to eliminate any perfumes or scents.